
1. I
great events are preparing надвигаются /предстоят, назревают/ большие события
2. III
prepare smth.
1) prepare a room (some fishing tackle, an expedition of exploration, a military force, etc.) готовить /подготавливать/ комнату и т.д.; prepare a bed стелить постель; prepare the table накрывать на стол; prepare a speech (a draft, rules, a scheme of action, a means of communication, etc.) работать над речью /выступлением/ и т.д.; prepare one's lessons готовить /учить/ уроки
2) prepare a meal (food, a dish, meat, dinner, etc.) готовить /варить, стряпать/ еду и т.д.; prepare a cough-syrup (a medicine, a lotion, a mixture, etc.) готовить /делать/ микстуру от кашля и т.д.
3. IV
prepare smth. in some manner prepare smth. cautiously (privately, independently, elaborately, etc.) подготавливать что-л. осторожно и т.д.
4. VII
prepare smb., smth. to do smth. prepare her to receive bad news (the mind to receive new impressions, the ship to meet a storm, etc.) (под)готовить ее к неприятному известию и т.д.
5. XI
1) be prepared the samples are being prepared образцы подготавливаются /обрабатываются/
2) be prepared for smth. be prepared for the worst (for anything to happen, for war, for what is to come, for such a work, for future contingences, etc.) быть готовым к худшему и т.д.; we were not prepared for rain мы не ожидали дождя; be prepared to do smth. be prepared to start early (to acknowledge smth., to say smth., to accept it, to supply the goods you ask for, etc.) быть готовым /согласиться/ выехать рано и т.д.; I am quite prepared to admit my fault я готов признать свою вину; be prepared at some time be prepared beforehand будьте готовы заранее
prepare to do smth. prepare to go abroad (to tell her the whole truth, to hear the details, etc.) готовиться к отъезду за границу и т.д.; he is feverishly preparing to meet them он лихорадочно готовится к их встрече
7. XVI
prepare for smth. prepare for the struggle (for action, for an attack, for war, for the Army, for college, for departure, for a journey, for a large party, for an emergency, etc.) готовиться к борьбе и т.д.; I prepared for a surprise я был готов к [любой] неожиданности
8. XXI1
1) prepare smth., smb. for smth. prepare a book for publication (a house for occupation, a place for habitation, oneself for a race, oneself for a battle of wits, a youth for the battle of life, a boy for college, pupils for an examination, a patient for surgery, etc.) подготовить книгу к изданию и т.д.; you'd better prepare him for the news вы бы лучше подготовили его к этому известию; prepare oneself for the worst приготовиться к худшему
2) prepare smth. from smth. prepare ink from this powder (a meal from flour, dinner from the best meat, etc.) (при)готовить /сделать/ чернила из этого порошка и т.д.; prepare smth. for smth. prepare a net for fishing (glass for scientific use, the way for negotiations, etc.) подготовить /приготовить/ сеть для рыбной ловли и т.д.; prepare a surprise for him устроить ему сюрприз
9. XXIV1
prepare smb. as smth. prepare smb. as a specialist подготовить кого-л. как специалиста

English-Russian dictionary of verb phrases. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "prepare" в других словарях:

  • Prepare — Pre*pare , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Prepare?}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Preparing}.] [F. pr[ e]parer, L. praeparare; prae before + parare to make ready. See {Pare}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To fit, adapt, or qualify for a particular purpose or condition; to make… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Prepare — Pre*pare , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Prepare?}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Preparing}.] [F. pr[ e]parer, L. praeparare; prae before + parare to make ready. See {Pare}.] [1913 Webster] 1. To fit, adapt, or qualify for a particular purpose or condition; to make… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • préparé — préparé, ée (pre pa ré, rée) part. passé de préparer. 1°   Disposé. •   J ai vu tendre aux enfants une gorge assurée à la sanglante mort qu ils voyaient préparée, ROTROU St Genest, II, 7. •   Et quoique le bûcher soit déjà préparé, Le nom de la… …   Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré

  • prepare — prepare, fit, qualify, condition, ready are comparable when they mean to make someone or something ready. Prepare is the most inclusive of these terms; it implies a process, often a complicated process, involving a making ready, a getting ready,… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • Prepare — Pre*pare , v. i. 1. To make all things ready; to put things in order; as, to prepare for a hostile invasion. Bid them prepare for dinner. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To make one s self ready; to get ready; to take the necessary previous measures; as …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prepare — [prē par′, pripar′] vt. prepared, preparing [ME preparen < MFr preparer < L praeparare < prae , before (see PRE ) + parare, to set in order, get ready, akin to parere, to bring forth, bear (see PAROUS)] 1. to make ready, usually for a… …   English World dictionary

  • Prepare — Pre*pare , n. Preparation. [Obs.] Shak. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • prepare — index arrange (plan), charge (instruct on the law), compile, conceive (invent), contrive, devise (invent …   Law dictionary

  • prepare — (v.) mid 15c., from M.Fr. preparer, from L. praeparare (see PREPARATION (Cf. preparation)). Slang shortening prep is from 1927. Related: Prepared; preparing …   Etymology dictionary

  • prepare — [v] make or get ready adapt, adjust, anticipate, appoint, arrange, assemble, brace, build up, coach, concoct, construct, contrive, cook, develop, dispose, draw up, endow, equip, fabricate, fashion, fill in, fit, fit out, fix, form, formulate,… …   New thesaurus

  • preparé — Preparé, [prepar]ée. part …   Dictionnaire de l'Académie française

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